Thursday, April 23, 2009


This is actually the smaller version of the cake

I use a lot of pecans. Good thing Costco sells them but I think I still need to get two bags at a time. Pecans are great for putting on the side of cakes, esp since I have issues decorating the sides.

I've made this butterscotch pecan cake more than I've made any of the other desserts shown in my cake gallery. I saw it in one of the magazines I subscribe to, and thought I really want to make that. I don't know why. So I made a small one for my guinea pig, and then he asked for another bigger one. I swear the first time is always the best and the second time I make things it's always mediocre-but that's just me. I made it another time for my office holiday party, not many people ate it. I was a bit disappointed, but someone did eat a good portion of the cake. As long as I don't have to throw it out, I'm good.

In any case, I think it ranks among one of my favorite cakes I've made. I think I've tried it but I can't remember. I know I've tasted the icing because the recipe called for rum and not like butterscotch candy or flavoring - I thought it'd taste like rum, but I guess it does taste like butterscotch....

Personally, I like round cakes better than rectangle ones, but the amount of cake that comes in this recipe, I guess you could make a shorter rectangle cake than a tall round cake.

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